Your monthly $8 subscription is split into two parts…
a) $2 Operational costs
b) $6 Product cost (Note: we do not make any profit from this product cost.
All profits go instantly in commissions to members – $1 – Six levels.)
Your $6 Product Cost gives you rotated advertising on the RESCUE Income Site.
5 x Each = 468 x 60 Banners, 250 x 250 Banners, 125 x 125 Banners, Text Ads
All the above sections of advertising are rotated thought RESCUE Income.
If you become inactive your ads will automatically stop.
If you become active again you will need to re-start them.
NOTE: Do not advertise your Rescue Program or your High End Businesses,
(3rd Party Businesses) within RESCUE Income as there is no point advertising to present members.
RESCUE Members Advertising
Your advertising rotates around Rescue Income pages.
Unlike many advertising sites there is No Reward for viewing ads on Rescue Income.
This is what we call REAL Advertising, as your ads are clicked because they are of, TRUE interest to the viewer! 20 Ads Rotating for every active account that you have!
Get yourself into the head of the members!
What type of Products, Programs and Services do you think they would like and want.
Find those Products, Programs and Services and become an affiliate of them.
Promote your choice and track your results to adjust as required.
You have a ready made membership with available funds, SO THINK SMART!