The Pink Panther Team at Rescue Income Webinar 27th Nov 2023

Pink Panther Team Rules

1) Every Pink Panther Joins under the Top Pink Panther Link: – also available on internal PPT Page

2) Every Pink Panther upon joining must upgrade within 1 week to avoid the account deletion.

3) To remain a Panther in Pink Panther Team, account must be kept active at all times. Any Non active has 1 week grace to renew before getting deleted.

4) The Gift Certificate (Coupon) System within Rescue Income Main, CANNOT be used in PPT. ONLY CRYPTO Payments – See Payment Options Page.

5) All Pink Panthers MUST have a main Rescue Income Account! – In order to build a downline.

6) All Pink Panthers will attend or watch webinars – Replays available in dashboard internal pages.

7) All Pink Panthers will join the Rescue Income Skype Room. Ask Support to add you.

Pink Panther Brain Waves!

a) The Top Pink Panther Account – Will do Paid Advertising for the whole team on top of your advertising.

b) Every member that follows you will drop down under you within the whole matrix – Resulting in a Fast Builder to Break Even and into Profit!

c) Cost $8 crypto pm – Less than the cost of a cup of coffee per week – Until the Financial Foundation is Complete. Then No Out of Pocket Expenses!

d) Once into profit Your PPT Account will build down to $1,084.00 per month and Feed your Rescue Main Account to $15,176.00 per month Plus!

c) Use link to Register your Rescue Income Main account unless already a member.

The Pink Panther Team at Rescue Income Detailed Video

Pink Panther Team Rules

Not Joined The Pink Panther Team Yet?

Only For Serious Pink Panthers

Choose your favorite avatar for your Pink Panther Profile

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Pink Panther Text Ads (Shorten or alter as required) Link:

Text Ad01

The Pink Panther Team @ Rescue Income

Creates a $1,084.00 BTC pm

The Feeds RI to $15,176.00 pm plus.

Don’t Miss THIS!

Text Ad02

The Pink Panther Team at Rescue Income is only for serious Panther’s

who want to make a fast,

$1,084.00 BTC per month!

That Feeds the Rescue Income Main System at No Out of Pocket Expenses.

Text Ad03

Are you a pussy cat or a Pink Panther?

Pink Panther Team – Builds you a

LIFE TIME Business that Pivots for the Future.

Nothing like this Join Now!

Text Ad04

Fed up of Failing?

Then Build a Real Financial Foundation

That Feeds up to $15,176.00 Plus!

At No Out of Pocket Expenses.

The Pink Panther Team

Text Ad05

The Pink Panther Team

Builds you a Financial Foundation

That Builds a Liveable Income

At No Out of Pocket Expenses.

Text Ad06

Become a TOP Marketer

Regardless of Experience!

The Pink Panther Team

Shows you HOW!

Pink Panther Email Swipes - Alter as Required

Email Swipe01

SUBJECT: The Pink Panther Team at Rescue Income

Hi [fname], CHECK Frame Type!

The Pink Panther Team at Rescue Income is only

for serious Panther’s who want to make a fast,

$1,084.00 BTC per month!

That Feeds the Rescue Income Main System at

No Out of Pocket Expenses.

Check if out here:

Rescue Income is a Non-Profit Business where all the profits

go back in for the benefit of all members.

Created and Built by the Power Circle Community

that has a Culture of helping, caring and sharing.

When YOU join Rescue Income YOU own it along with

every other member of the community.

“RESCUE” Income Presentational Webinar
Every Wednesday 10 pm BST London Time
11 pm CEST – 2 pm PDT – 4 pm CDT – 5 pm EDT
Room Opens 15 Minutes Before Start.
Webinar Room:

Rescue Income in a Nutshell

Regards, [Your Contact Details]

Email Swipe02

SUBJECT: The Pink Panther Team @ Rescue Income, Creates a $1,084.00 BTC pm Financial Foundation.  That then Feeds Rescue Income to $15,176.00 pm plus. Don’t Miss THIS!


Rescue Income is a Lifeboat Business,

that can PIVOT to whatever the Future Brings!

It was Created by The Power Circle Community that has a Culture of Helping, Caring and Sharing.

Rescue Income is Owned by all its member…

When YOU |Join It – You Own It!

Along with every other member of the community.


All Profits within Rescue Income Go Back In for the Benefit of every member.

The Top Pink Panther Account

also belongs to every member of the Team.  It pays for Quality Advertising for every member!

The Top and First account in Rescue Income  also belongs to every member. It pays for Quality Advertising for every member!

Rescue Income also has 19 main “ANGEL ACCOUNTS”  These also belong to every member and go back in to make Rescue Income Sustainable, Giveaways, Rewards, Competitions and much more.

The Pink Panther Team is the Best and Fastest way to build to a liveable income within Rescue Income for any serious members – By Design!

Any members without funding can use the  Free Zone – To Start from free or cover your costs within Rescue Income. Here is the Rescue Income Main Link: [Your RI Referral Link]

Q) Have you ever seen a business that belongs to all

members and does so much for your success ?


[Your Contact Details]


Email Swipe03

SUBJECT: Fed up of Failing? Want a Real Liveable Income?

Then The Pink Panther Team will show you how!

It builds a Real Financial Foundation

That Feeds the Rescue Income main business

up to $15,176.00 Plus, at No Out of Pocket Expenses.


A real Sustainable Liveable Income by Design.

Contact me for a peak behind the scenes and I will share me screen and show you my back office!


[Your Contact Details]

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