Many Members are in a position to Sponsor & Manage a Charity Account.
Helping People in Need - Both Local and Worldwide.
Rescue Income has also created a Charity Account and will
help varied charities with a monthly donation of $1,000.00
Rescue Income has also created a Members Charity Account,
where it will also donate $1,000.00 per month to any members
submitted local charity - This will be given to the chosen charity
via the submitting member, giving them the credit!
As members become Financially Free we hope to have many more
creating Charity Accounts, helping local charities, making where they live
Rescue Income also has the "Children's Charity Tree"
Where anyone can Sponsor and Manage a Children's
Charity Tree Account for a child.
At the Top of our Children's Charity Tree is a Members Children's
Emergency Account, where Members Children, their Families Children
or their Friends Children - Who in an emergency can request
financial help for the child.
How to create or fund a
charity with Rescue Income
The Miners Rescue Cafe
Managed by Eric Owen
Rescue Income are proud to to have sponsored this initial account for The Miners Rescue Cafe.
Mohanji Foundation - Managed by
Londi Charles Ndifon
Rescue Income are proud to to have sponsored this initial account for Mohanji Foundation Charity.
Community Assemblies of the British Isles (CABI) Managed by Anita Narayan
Rescue Income are proud to to have sponsored this initial account for Community Assemblies. Website – Membership is Free – Donations
John Gilbert Co-founder Phone: 07742 927500
Anita Narayan Special Advisor 07728 881461
Message from Anita
As one who values true freedom, I long to see our society and communities restored to one of genuine love and care without imposition or undemocratic agendas.
The ethos of the Community Assemblies is about the restoration of communities to natural law principles.
It started in the British Isles and is growing worldwide, and many community resources are being developed for the benefit of all.
CABI is not about taking over existing communities that share similar principles but simply strengthening like-minded community groups.